
Uzbekistan Travel

Uzbekistan - Milestones of History

On March 2, 1992 Uzbekistan joined the United Nations Organization. Besides, by signing the Helsinki Final Act of the Security and Cooperation Council, the country joined the Helsinki process. Nowadays, Uzbekistan is a member of several leading global economic and financial institutions, such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and many others.

Country now conducts its own domestic and foreign policies, establishes mutually beneficial relations based on its national interests with further assessment of way of life, traditions, customs and disposition of people, as well as having an enormous resource potential at its disposal. The target goal is to build a strong, democratic legal state and civil society with a stable market economy, and open foreign policy.

Various climatic zones - eternal glaciers and deserts, vast steppes and green valleys, as well as alpine mountains - all of the above represent the gorgeous nature of the country. Indeed, tourists may find many wonders in Uzbekistan in any season of the year.

Once Uzbekistan gained independence, the urgent need has appeared as to establish and further extend the world-class tourism in the country, which at the same time incorporates features of national history, way of life, traditions and customs, as well as the all-time feature of Uzbek hospitality.

Uzbekistan, where there are many ancient and beautiful architectural monuments of history and culture, attracts tourists from all over the world. There are more than 4,000 architectural monuments on the territory of Uzbekistan. The whole world knows historical cities of Uzbekistan such as Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Termez, Shakhrisabz, and others.

The main body in charge of tourism issues is "Uzbektourism" national company, which was founded upon the Resolution by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 27,1992. It is the biggest tourism company in the country. Currently, it administers 96 enterprises and organizations. The company also issues the illustrated magazine "Ipak Yoli" (The Silk Road). Besides "Uzbektourism", there are 431 tour firms in the country.

As the leading tourist company of Uzbekistan "Uzbektourism" annually participates in various international tourism fairs like ITB in Berlin, WTM in London, BIT in Milan, and FITUR in Madrid. On the 10 th session of the World Tourism Organization General Assembly, which took place in Bali, Indonesia, in 1993 the National Company "Uzbektourism" joined this organization. In its turn, it served as an important step for Uzbekistan to join the world tourism program. The "Great Silk Road" program, initiated by the Uzbek President, Islam Karimov, and fully supported by the WTO, is a vivid example to the aforesaid.

Tens of tourist countries around the world have recognized successes of Uzbekistan in the sphere of state, economic, social, and cultural development, and have chosen the country as a center for realization of the program of reviving the Great Silk Road.

Within the framework of the program numerous measures have been implemented in the main tourist destinations of Uzbekistan - Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and Tashkent: free economic zones have been created in these cities and sizeable concessions were granted to foreign investors interested in establishing joint ventures.

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