
Uzbekistan Travel

Uzbekistan - Literature

One of the main features is a return of poetry to its initial roots; communicating sincere feelings and modern secrets of soul. It became the elite genre oriented to people with a refined spirit and advanced imagination. Even though, sometimes it leads to decrease in number of readers, however it advances the aesthetic level of poetry lovers, as well as degree of understanding the art.

While the young generation with new names prevails in contemporary poetry, then in the prose one could observe a continuation of traditions. Today writers of different generations, such as Odil Yokubov, Said Akhmad, Shukur Kholmirzaev, Utkir Khoshimov, Oman Mukhtor, Tokhir Malik, Murod Muhammad Dost, Toghai Murod, Erkin Azamov, Khairiddin Sultonov, Khurshid Dustmuhammad, and others successfully work in the given genre.

Creative and unexpected decisions in the sphere, obvious violations of certain rules are those main features of Uzbek modern prose of this period. In the novel by Omon Mukhtor "The many faced" ("Ming bir qiyofa") and surprisingly unordinary story by Nazar Eshankul "The Black book ("Qora kitob") some of the features of the world prose were skillfully used. Original stories "Not to catch a wind" ("Shamolni tutib bo'lmaydi"), "A grave city" ("Tobut shahar"), "Cyclon" ("Qiyin"), and others are new aesthetic phenomenon in the national literature.

The prose writer Sh. Kholmirzaev skillfully employed a traditional style of the story-telling by creating a live image of the contemporary person in his novels, such as "Scarecrow" ("Olabuji"), "Dinosaur" ("Dinozavr") , and stories "Moon under a cloud" ("Bulut to'sgan oy"), "Freedom" ("Ozodlik"), and "Navruz" ("Navruz"), N. Norkobilov followed the same route in his works: "White collar" ("Oqbuyun"), "Rocks cry too" ("Qoyalar ham yighlaydi") , "A highlander" ("Togh odarni"), " Honor" ("Oriat"), "A joyful day" ("Quvonchli kun")>

The traditional style and innovation of the world literature is successfully combined in stories: "Old Soviet people" ("Sburodan qolgan odamlar"), "A plane tree" ("Chinor") by Sh.Bugayev, "Armchair" ("Oromkursi"), "Ibn Mughanni" ("Jbn Mughanni") by Kh. Dustmuhammad, and the novel, "Field of my father" (Otamdan qolgan dalalan) by Toghay Murod.

The modern prose pays special attention to the spiritual world of the person and reflection of individual qualities in various aspects. New literary heroes now a part of the national literature: Bayna Momo ("Not to catch a wind"), Ulton ("Scarecrow"), Gulsara, Tavakkal ("Moon under a cloud"), Khusan Palvan, Zukhra ("Honor"), Ernazar Palvan, Usar Kuklam ("Rocks cry too").

The urgent problems were touched upon in modern plays such as: "Iron lady" ("Temir khotin") by Sh. Boshbekov, "Gloomy nights" ("Kunduzsiz kechalan"), "Next door away" ("Bir qadam yo'l") by U. Azim, "Reprisal" (Qataghon") by U. Khoshimov, "Ruler" ("Sokhibqiron") by A. Oripov, "Victorious ruler" ("Fotikhli Muzaffar"), "Secrets of the castle" ("Bir koshona sirlari") by A. Yokubov, "Old matchmakers" ("Sovchi chollan") by Kh. Sharipov, "The first wedding cover" ("Chiniildik") by E. Khushvaqtov, and others.

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